
Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Thank you for considering a gift to Pleasant View! We provide a variety of ways to give and try to make the process as easy as possible. Please contact us with any questions at 717-664-6266 or at


Gifts by credit card, cash, or check are the most frequently used methods for making gifts. Please click the DONATE button to easily make a secure donation to Pleasant View online.


A gift included in a will or by adding a codicil to an existing will – can designate Pleasant View to receive a fixed amount, a specified portion of an estate, or the residual value of the estate.

Hoffer Farm Capital Appeal

We currently have Phase I Kreider Farm Cultural Center with various naming opportunities available. We are raising funds for Phase II Makers Space and will move into Phase II and Beyond over the next several years.

Special Gifts

Pleasant View Communities maintains a list of specific items needed that a gift can be directed to specifically. Many of these items add to the quality of life for residents. For a list of specific needs, please contact the Development Office

Real Estate and Personal Property

Pleasant View welcomes and encourages inquiries about making gifts of real estate and personal property. Valuation and gift acceptance policies apply.

Matching Gift

Many businesses will match employee gifts. Gifts from company retirees often also qualify for a match. Submit applicable forms to your employer to multiply the impact of your gifts.

Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance leverages support when naming Pleasant View as a death beneficiary of an insurance policy. Donors also receive tax benefits by transferring rights of ownership of an insurance policy.


Marketable securities are popular choices for making charitable contributions. Gifts of appreciated securities offer donors the additional benefit of avoiding some capital gains taxes.

Retirement Plans

IRAs and 401(k)s are excellent options for gift giving when Pleasant View is named as the beneficiary of a retirement account. By doing so, the organization receives a distribution and therefore neither the donor nor the estate will owe income taxes on this amount.

QCD – Qualified Charitable Distribution

 (if you are 70½ or older) –Allows you to give the amount you donate from your IRA directly to charity without ever receiving it as income. That enables you to give the full amount you withdraw to charity rather than what is left after you pay the individual income tax due on the funds you took out.

RMDs – Required Minimum Distributions

are the minimum amounts you must withdraw from your traditional IRA, SEP IRA, Simple IRA, and retirement accounts when you reach age 73. QCD counts towards satisfying your RMD once you reach RMD age.

Charitable Trusts

There are several forms of trusts available to help fulfill charitable intent while benefitting donors and heirs in their lifetime. The Development Office can work with donors, and their financial advisor and attorneys to achieve maximum benefits.

Faithful Giving

Is an annual program of giving that Pleasant View Communities participates with the greater community. Individuals and organizations have an opportunity to give over one weekend each year.

Donor Advised Funds

Provides a tax benefit to individuals who wish to give but the funds do not have to be distributed in the same year as the deduction is made. This allows the donor to give a much larger gift over time as funds accumulate.

Year-end Giving

It is a great way to share a bonus or other unexpected income. Many people enjoy giving at Christmas to organizations that have a special meaning in their hearts. Consider reviewing contributions for the year and tithing 10% of your income. A gift to Pleasant View to assist with benevolence care is a great way to make an impactful gift in service to those in need.

Tax Credit Gifts

The state of Pennsylvania has a variety of ways to give to qualified non-profits and specific programs that utilize tax dollars. Taxes already being paid can be directed to the organization and program.

Golf Tournament

Pleasant View holds an annual golf tournament to raise funds for our Pleasant View Care Fund. Become a corporate sponsor or join a team today to raise money for a great cause!