Staying Connected During a Socially Distanced Holiday Season

Staying Together During a Socially Distanced Holiday

Spending the holidays alone and disconnected from family is the reality facing many seniors this Christmas season.

This year, the Christmas and New Year’s traditions most seniors love, like family dinners and cookie baking parties, can’t be a part of the festivities.

Isolation is a challenge too many seniors face even during normal years, and it often leads to depression and other health concerns. Feeling sad, irritable, and tired, as well as having trouble sleeping and a loss of appetite are all signs that social distancing may be taking a toll on our health in other ways.

Even While You’re Socially Distancing, You Can Still Come Together to Celebrate

Seniors and their families may not be able to join together in person just yet, but joy of getting together with family doesn’t have to be pushed aside.

Technology has given us so many ways to stay connected. This year, we can still maintain connections with family and friends by using technology like Zoom and FaceTime to ‘get together’ and celebrate.

Even more encouraging is the possibility to do much more than say “Merry Christmas” to your family this year or wish them a Happy New Year. You can use a virtual call to maintain holiday traditions – and maybe even create new ones.

Ways to Maintain Holiday Connections with Family and Friends During COVID

Open Presents Together

Watching your grandkids open the presents you bought for them is one of the joys of the holidays. This is one tradition you don’t have to sacrifice. By setting up an iPad or laptop near the tree, you can watch your family’s eyes light up with each gift they unwrap while still enjoying a socially distanced holiday.

Read a Story to The Grandkids

While we’d all prefer to get together in person, celebrating Christmas virtually can create opportunities for new traditions as well. One easy way to spend quality time with the grandkids is by reading them a story over the phone or by FaceTime. Short Christmas stories like Dr. Seuss’ “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” are perfect choices. This may become a tradition that you keep next year when you’re back together with family for in-person celebrations.

Play a Virtual Game

Playing a virtual game is one way to spend time together for longer than just a short zoom phone call. Virtual game sites have popped up since the start of the pandemic, and many of them are free. You can play virtual games like Bingo, Trivia, Pictionary, Heads Up, and much more. Or get creative and use traditional board games that everyone can see, no matter which side of the screen they’re on.

Eat a Holiday Dinner Together

Eating together during the holidays is perhaps the most treasured of traditions. It’s also one of the easiest to keep alive with a virtual call and a little planning. You can arrange to swap different portions of the family dinner by bringing casseroles and ham to everyone’s door – while still social distancing, of course. Then, when it’s time to eat, set a computer or iPad at the end of each table, share a toast and enjoy dinner as a family.

Pleasant View Communities is Staying Connected During the Holidays, As Well

Even when you can’t meet in person with friends and neighbors, maintaining community connections is just as important as getting together with family virtually this holiday season.

Our residents are a part of a vibrant community here at Pleasant View. Neighbors become family and are finding creative ways to stay connected during this socially distanced holiday. Friendly neighborhood card games have become virtual game nights. Community meals are being shared across screens. And, virtual calls are keeping feelings of connection alive and well at Pleasant View.

Spending Time Together Virtually Will Make for a Happier and Healthier Socially Distanced Holiday Season

This year, as you celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year, make a point to get together virtually with your family, friends, and neighbors at Pleasant View.

If you haven’t yet joined our Pleasant View family, we welcome you and your loved ones to visit us and take a safe, socially distanced tour of our beautiful campus and vibrant community. Schedule a tour or contact us for more information.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Pleasant View Communities!

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