Covid-19 Notification

May 15, 2020

Dear Residents, Resident Representatives and Families,

This letter is to inform you that on May 15, 2020 we had an employee on our campus test positive for COVID-19. We do not currently have any residents with active COVID-19. This employee was immediately sent home and requested to isolate. We’re currently following the “Criteria for Return to Work for Healthcare Personnel with Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19” guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Please know that we have followed, and will continue to do so, all guidance set forth for privacy, patient care, employee safety, and efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 as provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) and the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

While we strive for transparency in everything we do, please know that we are bound by federal guidelines under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), that protect the privacy of our residents and staff, who may not want their condition known.

Prior to each shift, staff are required to wash their hands, take their temperature and answer a series of questions to ensure they are not exhibiting any known COVID-19 symptoms. Employees also take their temperatures at the conclusion of their shift. Any employees who develop symptoms during a shift are immediately sent home. At that point, they are directed to quarantine at home. This process is also followed for outside vendors and agency workers, though these visits have been curtailed.

We also conduct a rigorous sanitation regimen that follows, and in some cases exceeds, all state and federal guidelines. We have increased the daily volume of cleaning done in common, medical and residential areas. All protective and medical equipment are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Thank you for your support, patience and prayers. We will continue to provide you with timely updates with as much information as we can on our current state as it relates to active and new COVID-19 infections.


Pleasant View Administration

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